Monday, October 22, 2007

A gay judge TV show?

First off, sorry for the lack of entries lately, I've been a little busy getting ready for my trip to Las Vegas.

Apparently, there's a new gay judge television show... Judge David Young. Personally, I think the tagline of the show is pretty funny: Justice with a snap!"I object, Miss Thing!"

I imagine this judge maybe judging someone's fashion crime or something, but apparently he handles civil court cases ala People's Court. I haven't seen this show, and I don't even know what channel it airs on.

I want him to take on cases where maybe a bear leather daddy didn't pay his bar tab at the local gay bar... or maybe a case of the stolen Louis Vuitton bag, but really he justs handles cases labeled "Storage Fee Fiasco!" Riveting.

You can check out clips from his show and much more at his website:

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